"This morning's conference was great!  It was a wide range of participants on the panels and that was a great way to hear a wide view of options and ideas from the panelists!  Kevin Hancock gets my vote for most open, honest and helpful answers to questions. He was outstanding and his thoughts today were very heartfelt and honest.  Take away the layers of "facade" and discuss the truth of what it's like and how you face the issuers."
- Janet Cole Cross, Career Coach, Cole Cross Connections, LLC

Next Generation Peer Advisory Group - Executive II

  • May 26, 2020
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Undisclosed

Next Generation Peer Advisory Group - Executive II

The topic for this meeting is: TBD

NEXT GENERATION:  Executive - Next Generation members who are working at the top management levels within their company i.e. Vice President, President, CEO, CFO levels.

What are Peer Advisory Groups?

Peer advisory groups are small, confidential discussion groups of about 8-10 members that meet regularly and are facilitated by Quad Group.  The group allows individuals to share experiences and learn from each other in a safe and open environment.  These groups are for those actively working in a family business or who are interested in joining the family business, are IFOB members and in non-competing businesses.  Ideally, only one member of a family will be in each peer group.

Members self-direct their topics exploring family business subjects of mutual interest, provide accountability and feedback, define issues of importance for each member, and discuss what to do (and not to do) in day-to-day interactions among family, owners, employees, and board members in order to make family leadership a competitive advantage.

Relevant topics developed by the groups might be around relationships and negotiation with siblings and/or cousins and parents, facing obstacles such as gaining respect of company employees, and deciding what career path is a good match for their skills.  Other topics could include long term goals and weighing the pluses and minuses of working in the family business.  All discussions are held in the strictest confidence and a confidentially agreement is signed at the start of each year.

Cost to participate is $375 per person.  The group will meet six times a year and have one open program for all IFOB members. 

Here's what the Next Gener's have to say about these groups:

“At each meeting I walk away with at least one idea/concept to try!” 

“This group and the structure have helped me get more comfortable expressing my opinions, thoughts and ideas in the workplace with confidence” 

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Registration is required in advance.  Please register by calling Catherine Wygant Fossett at 207-798-2667
or email catherine@fambusiness.org.


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